How to setup application

In the html of the page

For download and use directly

Include the script is straight forward

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" data-framework="angularjs">
<!-- page header -->

<!-- your page content with angular directive & controllers etc... -->

<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="dist/ng-timemachine.js"></script>
<script src="application.js"></script>

For bower

bower install -S ng-time-machine

The angular APP

Using TimeMachine is simple as the angular module declaration. You create your application with dependency ngTimeMachine. The store setup should be defined inside the app.config

  var app = angular.module('your-awesome-app', ['ngTimeMachine']);

  app.value('tmAppName', 'your-awesome-app'); // used for time machine to remember the state after browser refresh
  app.config(['tmStoreProvider', function (Store) {
    // put your setup here...

    // define the actions
    // define initialstate
    // define store


Define actions

Base on the APP functionality, we define the actions which would update store data/state. Of course there are other actions that would NOT related to update store data, these action should stay inside the directive. ex: animation, ui transition etc...


Define initial state

There is a begin state for your app. That is what the APP look like when first load without any user interactions

    tasks: [],
    filter: 'all',
    currentTaskId: 0

Store implementation - business logic & data flow in app

For every actions defined, the store should provide the handle function for each one. For convention, each store handle function should be prefix with on then the action name ex: onTodoCreate

    onTodoCreate: function (taskDesc) {
      this.state.tasks.push({desc: taskDesc, completed: false, taskId: this.state.currentTaskId});
      return this.trigger(this.state);